Pioneers in LED rentals and solutions arena in South India
The most Trusted brand for more than a decade
The best Products for the Best Price
The Best Support team at you service
Consultation and guidance
Small requirement or big, we it give our Best
Just ask and it is done – whatever the occasion and wherever it may be
With over a decade’s experience in the industry, you can rest assured that you are talking to the best in the field. We are not only equipped with expert and in-depth technical knowledge but also understand our client needs well.
Over the years we have worked with some of the world’s top brands and companies to help them achieve their vision. We were one of the first companies in South India to use seamless Plasma Panels and the first company to bring the next generation of high-resolution outdoor LED screens to the South Indian Rental Market. Today we continue to provide stunning creative LED solutions on rental basis and for sale.
We pride ourselves on being able to provide end-to-end solutions in the LED technology space - from Concept creation to guidance in technology selection to design creation and planning, to installation and delivery – along with custom software for operating your screens.
Years Of Experience
Active Experts